Get Involved
Melburners is a community orientated, volunteer run organisation and there are a variety of ways to get involved. Stay tuned for membership information, and in the meantime head over to the Gofer Guild to participate as a volunteer or talk to our Theme Camp lead for ways to collaborate with your camp.
The Melburner Gofer Guild is a coalition of volunteers dedicated to helping facilitate Melburner events.
The Melburner Gofer Guild is dedicated to helping facilitate Melburner events, together with leading workshops to ensure skill sharing within the burner community. Having this guild helps with networking by giving newer members a chance to work with established theme camps, artists, and fellow Melburners to create the projects that make the burner community what it is, while also giving members a chance to learn new skills from people within the community, while also making new friends and connections along the way.
Want to volunteer with Melburners? sign up below

Membership only section – coming soon
The Melburners Committee is dedicated to ensuring our strategic, financial and operational decisions represent the desires of the broader Victorian burner community. We will be providing a members only section where you can submit ideas, thoughts and questions outside of the Annual General Meetings, so that you can be more actively engaged in decision making. This will also be a platform for connecting members with similar skills and aspirations and a place to request advice from our knowledgeable member community.
Email our membership lead for more info
Theme Camps
Melburners works closely with theme camps, collaborating to provide events, workshops, and more. Theme camps are an essential part of our Decompression events, and we also collaborate in providing fundraiser events throughout the year. If you have an idea or would like to work with Melburners please get in contact.
Email our Theme Camp lead for more info